Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kids and Food

Growing up I didn't think that I was too picky of an eater. Looking back now I think maybe I was. I won't eat cooked tomatoes...but I LOVE LOVE LOVE fresh tomatoes with salt and pepper. I don't like onions in my food but I will eat onion rings if they are thin. I eat with my eyes...if it doesn't look appetizing...I will NOT try it. Same goes with smelling. Maybe I'm just weird...There are other things I won't eat but this isn't about me.

My kids...can be the easiest and hardest to please when it comes to food. One day they will like something then the next they won't.

Little Girl (2 1/2) is the easiest by far. She will practically eat anything you put in front of her. She isn't a big fan of meat but she has a hard time chewing and swallowing sometimes. Her absolute favorite is yogurt.

The boys are a different story though.

Boy #1(7): Won't eat corn off the cob...but will devour corn on the cob. Won't eat cubed potatoes but will eat mashed potatoes or a baked potato. He is also like me in the cooked tomatoes and onions things...really all the boys are. He also says he doesn't like chicken but we are trying to get over that. One of his favorites to eat is Chicken Spaghetti.

Boy #2 (6): He will put up a fight over new things saying he doesn't like it when he's never tried it. Majority of the things he does indeed like and asks for more and more. His favorite thing to eat is cheese enchiladas and his least favorite is cereal...

Boy # (5): He will eat anything. Usually not a big amount though. He wants to eat and be done so that he can do other things. If you put alot(to him) on his plate he will get upset...even when you tell him it's ok if he can't eat it all. He is usually the one that wants to help cook and is first to ask what are we eating.

Boys #1 and 2 will eat 2nds and 3rds of foods the like...well they will eat it until there is no more. The way they eat now I'm afraid to see them as teenagers. I try to feed a crowd now...I will be attempting to feed a small country when they are older.

Usually the more simple a dinner is the happier the kids are. They don't want alot of veggies so I try to sneak them in any way I can...but they are smart kids so I have to get smarter with this!! I should probably be trying to broaden their palette but I have a hard time eating new things as well...I'm not really setting the best example for them but if I won't eat it then I don't cook it...if I don't cook I don't force them to eat it either....


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Have a good night!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the follow...returned the favor...cute blog....

Mommy Moment said...

Thanks for joining the Mommy Madness Friday Blog Hop! I'm following you back.
I guess it is true that you can not expect your boys to eat what you will not eat.

Erin* said...

Isn't it funny how children will turn their nose up at something but change it's texture and suddenly it is their fav thing ever!

Erin @

Jenn said...

Love it! And I'm not that picky until I start thinking about the weird stuff .. I love tator tots but hate hash browns (isn't it the same thing?). I like potatoes but not so much french fries unless they have smothered in salt but i've given up eating those. lol Mom can be picky! We've earned the right! :D Thats too funny that they won't eat the corn off the cob. lol

Thanks for joining us for Mommy Madness! I'm a new follower! :D

Jamie said...

You could try pureeing veggies to sneak them in. I don't do it but I have friends who do. He he. :)

I just stopped by on the Mommy Madness Blog Hop and I'm following you now. Come check out my new blog and say hi back

From Cristin to Mommy said...

hi i am your newest follower from Mommy Madness Friday Blog Hop

i enjoyed reading what ur kids will eat. i also dont like cooked tomatoes but love fresh ones. and i hate hate hate cucumber but love

please follow back:)
From Cristin To Mommy

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